Installing the Binder Daemon

The Application Framework Binder Daemon (afb-daemon), which is a part of the AGL Application Framework, provides a way to connect applications to required services.\ It provides a fast way to securely offer APIs to applications that are written in any language and that can run almost anywhere.

You can learn more about the AGL Application Framework in the "AGL Framework Overview" section.\ You can learn more about the aft-daemon in the "Binder Overview" section.

Installing on Debian

Use the following commands if your native Linux machine uses the Debian distribution:

sudo apt-get install agl-app-framework-binder-dev

Installing on OpenSUSE

Use the following commands if your native Linux machine uses the OpenSUSE distribution:

sudo zypper install agl-app-framework-binder-devel

Installing on Fedora

Use the following commands if your native Linux machine uses the Fedora distribution:

sudo dnf install agl-app-framework-binder-devel

Setting Your Environment Variables

Regardless of your system's distribution, you need to set certain environment variables correctly in order to use the daemon (i.e. app-framework-binder).

Commands that define and export these environment variables exist in the file, which is created when you install the daemon:

#----------  AGL %{name} options Start ---------"
# Object: AGL cmake option for  binder/bindings
export LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/AGL/lib64:${LIBRARY_PATH}
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/AGL/lib64/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}
export PATH=/opt/AGL/bin:$PATH
#----------  AGL options End ---------

You can make sure these environment variables are correctly set by doing one of the following:

  • Logout and Log Back In:

Logging out and then logging back in correctly sets the environment variables.

  • Manually Source the File:

Source the following command:

bash source /etc/profile.d/

NOTE: Creating a new session automatically sources the file.