Window Manager Application Guide

Table of content

Version Author Updated at

Target reader of this document

This document is intended for developers and system integrators who need to know, how Window manager works and how it is to be used.

Scope of this Document

This document covers Window manager that was implemented for TMC and delivered to the Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) project. It includes its implementation details, concepts of operation, configuration and usage.

It does not include

It is highly recommended to have a good understanding of these documents and projects before using Window manager.


Window Manager is the service process which provides window management based on policy. And implements a layout switching of applications on multiple layers and with different layer layouts. Window Manager is based on ivi layer management from GENIVI and AGL application framework.

Window Manager consists of

  • afb-binder
  • service binding library
  • shared library for policy management
  • configuration files

In order to understand Window Manager, the below figure shows the one of typical usecases. In this example, there are two mode for window management.

  1. Window Management in Car Stops
  2. Window Management in Car Runs

Figure: Typical usecase

The important points are:

  • Window transition should be done by Window Manager

Window Manager switch application displayed on top layer by user operation(touch shortcut button). In this example, when an user touches navigation shortcut button, Window Manager displays navigation and hide launcher. Next, when an user touches videoplayer shortcut button, Window Manager divides a screen into two parts and display two applications.

  • There is a priority role for each application.

Window Manager realizes state transition change based on the policy which consists of role. According to the state transition table, it controls the visibility of application window, layout change, and so on. The reasons why this is necessary are

  • to support user driving
  • not to disturb a driver concerns on driving for safety

In this example, for safety, when the car starts running, Window Manager set up the role videoplayer to be masked and uncontrollable by user not to disturb driver concerns. And, for supporting driving, set up navigation role to be displayed 3 seconds after the car ran. In Car Run state, the user can't switch to other application from Navigation application until car stops.

Supported usecase

  1. Window Management
  2. When an user chooses a different application, Window Manager changes the layout and then displays the application.
  3. When an user chooses a different application, Window Manager changes the layout and then hides the displayed application.
  4. Policy Management
  5. Window Manager changes layout according to policy table based on role.
  6. Define Layout by area configuration
  7. Window Manager realizes the abstracted area and can resize the window by using it. User can easily edit this configuration.

Getting Started

Build by SDK

git clone
cd agl-service-windowmanager
mkdir build
cd build
source <your SDK path> // normally this is /opt/agl-sdk/environment
cmake ..
make package

The widget package is populated in the 'package' directory.

ls package/
root  windowmanager-service.wgt


Copy windowmanager-service.wgt to the file system then execute the following command.

afm-util install windowmanager-service.wgt


You can make Window Manager object files with the following two stage operations.

Download recipe

mkdir WORK
repo init -u
repo sync

Execute Bitbake

source meta-agl/scripts/ -m m3ulcb agl-demo hmi-framework
bitbake agl-demo-platform

Enable to call Window Manager

To call Window Manager, it is important to enable the permission from security framework. To use Window Manager API, an application or a service shall add the following configuration definition into "config.xml" of your application.

<feature name="urn:AGL:widget:required-api">
    <param name="windowmanager" value="ws" />

To call Window Manager function easily, Window Manager provides a library which is called "libwindowmanager". This library provides a function style API calling interface. So you can include the libwindowmanager.hpp header file, and can link against this library. Please also refer to the sample application.

See also our Sample code.

Software Architecture

The static relationship with other components is shown below. The actual logic of Window Manager is the binding in Binder(afb-daemon). Window Manager is based on AGL application framework, so the IPC via websocket is protected by AGL application framework.

The upper binder is for the application side security context. The lower binder is the Window Manager for the server side security context. Usually an application side binder has some business logic for each application, so the number of binders depend on the number of applications which use Window Manager. On the other hand, regarding lower binder there is only one module in the system. This binder receives messages from multiple applications.

An application can use to call Window Manager API simply.

Window Manager is based on the GENIVI layer management system.



Layers are entities that means the application stack group defined in layers.json. This doesn't mean layer ID defined in GENIVI ivi layer. The layer ID is used for application itself in Window Manager. Currently, application can't have multiple surfaces in Window Manager.


Surfaces are placed on layers . The surface will then be resized to dimensions, according to the name of areas.json application requests by activateWindow or policy management. As default, normal.full is set by libwindowmanager for native application.


The window manager is configured with the layers.json, areas.json, roles.db configuration files. By default they are searched in ${AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR}/etc/.

Sample configurations are provided with the window manager implementation, these samples are installed to ${AFM_APP_INSTALL_DIR}/etc/ .

This configuration is supposed to be configured by policy designer which means OEM or Tier1.


layers.json has three roles.

  1. Create application containers Layer.
  2. Set id range for applications.
  3. Attach application to Layer according to the role application requests.

The sample configuration is here

   "comment": "Surface ID to Layer ID mapping",

   "main_surface": {
      "surface_role": "HomeScreen",
      "comment": "This surface should never be made invisible (The HomeScreen)"

   "mappings": [
         "role": "BackGroundLayer",
         "name": "BackGroundLayer",
         "layer_id": 999,
         "comment": "Single BackGround layer map for the map, radio, music and video"
         "role": "homescreen",
         "name": "FarHomeScreen",
         "layer_id": 1000,
         "comment": "FarHomeScreen is the part of HomeScreen. The z order of this layer is lower than NearHomeScreen"
         "role": "music|video|browser|radio|phone|map|hvac|settings|dashboard|poi|mixer|sdl|launcher|fallback",
         "name": "Apps",
         "layer_id": 1001,
         "comment": "Range of IDs that will always be placed on layer 1001"
         "role": "^on_screen.*",
         "name": "OnScreen",
         "layer_id": 9999,
         "comment": "Range of IDs that will always be placed on the OnScreen layer, that gets a very high 'dummy' id of 9999"

Each mapping defines the following items to map corresponding surfaces to a layer.

  • role defines what kind of ability the application has. And the application will be attached to Layer according to the role. A regular expression that application drawing names are matched against. If applications match this regular expression, the surface will be visible on this layer.

  • name is just a name definition for Layer, it has no functional use apart from identifying a layer with a name.

  • layer_id is the id used in GENIVI IVI layer management control.

Layer stacks from beginning to end.

The above Layer example image is below.


Note: "fallback" role is the special role. This role is set if the role application requests doesn't exist in layers.json. Then, Window Manager will accept any applications. If the "fallback" is not set in layers.json, window manager blocks the application displaying in such case. In such a situation, you have to add your role(application name) at "role" in layers.json.

Note: BackGroundLayer name of Layer is exception for work around. This layer is fallback layer not to stop event loop of application when it becomes invisible. The problem is issued in


Area means abstract expressions of 2-dimensional size and position. areas.json defines the area which an application is set.

    "areas": [
            "name": "fullscreen",
            "rect": {
                "x": 0,
                "y": 0,
                "w": 1080,
                "h": 1920
            "name": "normal.full",
            "rect": {
                "x": 0,
                "y": 218,
                "w": 1080,
                "h": 1488
            "name": "split.main",
            "rect": {
                "x": 0,
                "y": 218,
                "w": 1080,
                "h": 744
            "name": "split.sub",
            "rect": {
                "x": 0,
                "y": 962,
                "w": 1080,
                "h": 744

The image of the above setting is described below.


  • name is an abstract data of rectangle.

  • rect has 4 arguments. x, y means the offset from (0, 0) of screen.w means the width of the area, and h means the height of the area. The dimensions can be specified relative to the screen dimensions.

The dimensions can be specified absolute to the screen dimensions. But if fullscreen is not suitable to screen dimensions, Window Manager scales the area automatically.


fullscreen must be set because this is the base size of scaling in Window Manger.


The direction of the coordinates depends on transform in weston.ini. Currently, agl-demo-platform set transform=270. This suppose to use screen vertically.



To understand the sequence between application and window manager, refer to the spec document.

The typical sequence to render your application, follow the sequence below.

  1. Register your role (and request surfaceID)


The above sequence is the initialization phase of your application to use Window Manager. An Application has to register your role to Window Manager. For ivi-shell application, Window Manager generates surfaceID to input it into the function to create surface. And also it is important for synchronization to get syncDraw event for receiving the request for resize and redraw, and notifying Window Manager of endDraw, so register callback function with setEventHandler for syncDraw.



setEventHandler is API of libwindowmanager. This calls wm_subscribe internally.

  1. Display your window


To display your window, your application has to request activateWindow with role and area to Window Manager. Window Manager checks the app should be visible on the area according to the policy table using role . If it is accepted, afb_req_success will be returned, and next Window Manager will push the event syncDraw to applications which will be displayed. If it is denied, afb_req_fail will be returned. In this sample sequence, syncDraw is emitted to the apps who requested only, but this shall be emitted to other applications whose size shall be changed.





  1. Activate OnScreen Window



See sample code for more detail about OnScreen Window.

The above sequence shows the sample of OnScreen Window. If the role is high priority than NormapApp, Window Manager rejects NormalApp request when OnScreenApp is displayed.

Note : Above repository is currently empty, so please refer to the sandbox branch.

API reference

Request to Window Manager

Use verb version
Initialize requestSurface from 0.7
wm_subscribe from 0.7
requestSurfaceXDG from 0.7
Activate/Deactivate activateWindow from 0.7
deactivateWindow from 0.7
endDraw from 0.7
Change area size changeAreaSize from 0.8
Get Infomation getDisplayInfo from 0.7
getAreaList from 0.8

Note: We created this table from 0.7

The data of IPC via websocket consists of JSON. This section describes the verb of API and key. Normally, the body of requesting API will be here.



Register your role to Window Manager and get surfaceID for ivi-shell. The role is used for policy management. SurfaceID is supposed to be set to the API ivi_application_surface_create of ivi-application protocol or set it to environment variable QT_IVI_SURFACE_ID if your app is Qt and integrate ivi-shell.

  • verb : "requestSurface"
  • argument : {"drawing_name":"your role"}

the value must be selected in layers.json.

argument example :

  "drawing_name" : "navigation"


This API is for XDGLauncher, so it is not necessary for normal application. XDGLauncher is created for XDG application for desktop app without editing for HMI-Framework. Please see the repository in detail.;a=summary


Subscribe the Window Manager's event. Application must subscribe syncDraw event.

  • verb : "wm_subscribe"
  • argument : {"event" : event number}

argument example :

  "event" : 5

The event is abstracted with a number (enumeration).

Number Event
0 "active"
1 "inactive"
2 "visible"
3 "invisible"
4 "syncDraw"
5 "flushDraw"
6 "screenUpdated"



Request to display your application with role on the area to Window Manager. Window Manager checks the app should be visible on the area and change layout according to the policy table using role . If it is accepted, afb_req_success will be returned, and next Window Manager will push the event syncDraw to applications which will be displayed. If it is denied, afb_req_fail will be returned.

  • verb : "activateWindow"
  • argument : {"drawing_name" : "your role", "drawing_area" : "your area"}

the value must be selected among layers.json.

argument example :

  "drawing_name" : "navigation",
  "drawing_area" : "normal.full"


Request to hide your application to Window Manager. This verb is supposed to be used by high priority application which are for example popup application or system UI application such like alert. If Window Manager set the priority of popup high in the policy, Window Manager may not hide the popup even if normal applications send activateWindow until popup application send deactivateWindow . This behavior depends on the policy table. After this request, Window Manager checks which app should be visible and change layout according to the policy table.

  • verb : "deactivateWindow"
  • argument : None


Notify Window Manager of application finishes drawing. This function must be sent in event syncDraw. Otherwise, Window Manager will roll back to previous state and reject your request activateWindow .

  • verb : "endDraw"
  • argument : {"drawing_name" : "your role"}

argument example :

  "drawing_name" : "navigation",


Request to change the size of area and location. Then Window Manager sends syncDraw to the applications whose size and location will be changed. The caller has responsible of appearance of layouts.

The use case of this function is shown in below. The system application such like HomeScreen call this function, then the layout changes. The trigger may be user request on GUI, or system events and so on.


The sequence is below.


  • verb : "changeAreaSize"
  • argument : {"areas" : [{"name":"area_name","rect":{"x":int,"y":int,"w":int,"h":int}, ...}]}

Note: Only the application whose role is written in whitelist is allowed to call this API. This is because marcious application can change the layouts. The layout should be controled by system application.

Get Information


Get screen information such as resolution.

  • verb : "getDisplayInfo"
  • argument : None

Return : The screen information will return.

Return example :

    "jtype" : "afb-reply",

Note :

"width_mm", "height_mm" is from output which is one of the wayland object. These items lack reliability, so recommend not to use.


Get area definition defined in areas.json.

  • verb : "getAreaList"
  • argument : None

Return : The area definition list.

Return example :


Event from Window Manager

Number Event version
0 "active" from 0.7
1 "inactive" from 0.7
2 "visible" from 0.7
3 "invisible" from 0.7
4 "syncDraw" from 0.7
5 "flushDraw" from 0.7
6 "screenUpdated" from 0.7

Events also consists of JSON. The data of event is contained in data such like


"event" is the event name. "data" is the data object from Window Manager and contains the message of event. This section describes "event" and the contents of "data".


This event means when the application becomes active state.

example :



This event means when the application becomes inactive state.

example :



This event is issued when the application is visible state.

example :



This event is issued when the application is invisible state.

example :



This event is issued by Window Manager state change operation in policy to the following cases.

  • Your app requested activateWindow then your application will be resized or visible.
  • Other app requested activateWindow then your application will be resized or visible.
  • Window Manager change layout due to vehicle condition.

This event is the requests from Window Manager to

  • request your app to callback endDraw to Window Manager.
  • request your app to resize and redraw according to "drawing_area".

This is the abstract word then the real size is given in "drawing_rect".

example :


An application which gets this event must send endDraw. For details, please see the sequence.


This event is issued after Window Manager receives all endDraw from applications who recieved syncDraw . After this event, Window Manager expects applications to update its surface.

example :



This event is issued after the visible application changes as a state transition change. This contains resized applications and visible applications. This event is issued to all subscriber. Typical usecase is only for HomeScreen. If HomeScreen has an animation until the started application is visible such as progress bar, this signal may become a switch to stop the animation.


"ids" is the application_id described in config.xml of application.

Client library

A client library implementation that internally uses the libafbwsc, is provided in the libwindowmanager. This library is for C++ native application.

Regarding more detail, please refer to;a=summary

Sample code

In order to enable application to activate application(render on layer), above described steps need to be implemented.

As a minimal example the usage and initialization can look like the following.

Typical implementation of C++ application.

  • Repo: git clone
  • Path: sample/simple-egl/main.c

Typical implementation of Qt application.

  • Repo: git clone
  • Repo: git clone

This is the good example to write more simply for Qt application using QtAGLExtras.

Policy Manager


Policy Manager decides next layout by using input event data and current state based on the policy table.

And PolicyManager is plugin for WindowManager. Therefore the OEMs can replace it.

Enabling split

Window Manager supports split layout to change policy and areas.json. This section describes how to play split layout. The sample image is here.


To play the split layout,

  1. Edit in policy_manager/CMakeLists.txt as follows:

cmake:policy_manager/CMakeList.txt #set(STM_DIR stub) set(STM_DIR zipc)

This results in using source code generated by ZIPC.

  1. Set bool value "ON" to TRY_SPLIT_LAYOUT at line 28 in policy_manager/CMakeLists.txt as follows: set(TRY_SPLIT_LAYOUT ON CACHE BOOL "Enable to show split layout")
  2. compile
  3. copy window manager to your board
  4. re-install windowmanager and reboot

As a result, if application requests navi with activateWindow when current layout is video or mediaplayer, Window Manager change layout to split window. The reverse is true.


Currently, the policy manager force application change the size even if the application which has the role doesn't have the split design. In that case, the view of application may be ugly. Window Manager supposes that applications may have multi designs according to system design by OEM. For example, if OEM sets 2 pattern layout for navi, the application which requests navi should have 2 pattern designs.

Release Note

version: 0.8

New Feature

  • Add Policy Manager

version: 0.7

New Features

  • Add API of getting area list and changing area size on runtime


  • Reduce binary size to use ilmControl library.
  • Change layer management. Client has one ivi-layer and can have multi surfaces.
  • Stop conversion table which is compatible with old role to avoid complexity.
  • Upgrade bindings v3.
  • Add configuration file over-ride mechanism.


  • Only single-surface Qt applications are support through the libwindowmanager library. This is a limitation of how Qt creates surface IDs for the ivi-application interface.

  • Currenly, Window Manager supports only one screen. Dual display is not supported.

  • As implemented in sample code, Qt application has to wait requesting activateWindow until frameSwapped is emitted.
  • Qt application conceals, wayland and openGL processes, so it is difficult to call swapBuffer after flushDraw event described in the architecture document. But no problem if you use toolkit such as Qt, because it is automatically processed between applications and compositor(weston).
  • Editing ZIPC is difficult for open source developer due to licence.