How to run

xds-server has been designed to easily compile and debug AGL applications. That's why xds-server has been integrated into AGL SDK docker container.

Note: For more info about AGL SDK docker container, please refer to AGL SDK Quick Setup

Start xds-server

There are several way to install xds-server and start-up depend of installation type:

Installation type Supported
host OS
Start-up Install instructions
Docker container Linux or MacOS Automatic based on systemd user service see Installation based on Docker container
Virtual Machine Linux, MacOS or Windows Automatic based on systemd user service see Installation based on VirtualBox appliance
Native Linux Automatic based on systemd user service or manual see Native installation
Native MacOS or Windows Manually see Native installation

Automatic start-up based on systemd user service

XDS server is started as a user service by Systemd.


Use well-known systemd commands to control xds-server.service service.

# Enter in docker container or VM
# (optional, depending on installation type)
ssh -p 2222 devel@localhost

# Status XDS server:
systemctl --user status xds-server

# Restart XDS server
systemctl --user restart xds-server

If needed you can change default setting by defining specific environment variables file

ssh -t -p 2222 devel@localhost vim /etc/default/xds-server

For example to control log level, just set LOG_LEVEL env variable.

knowing that supported level are:

  • panic
  • fatal
  • error
  • warn
  • info
  • debug
docker exec ${CONTAINER_NAME} bash -c "echo 'LOG_LEVEL=debug' >> /etc/default/xds-server"
ssh -p 2222 devel@localhost -- "systemctl --user restart xds-server"

Manual start-up

On Linux or MacOS, simply execute xds-server executable:


On Windows, simply execute xds-server executable:



Invoke xds-server --help to get more details about possible options that allow for example to change logging level or select another configuration file.

XDS server REST API and Web application

xds-server exposes a REST API and serves a basic web-application.

REST API based url is http://localhost:8000/api/v1/ when XDS server is running on your host (localhost) and basic web-application is available at http://localhost:8000.

Just replace localhost by the host name or ip when xds-server is running on another host.

# Get version using REST API
curl http://localhost:8000/api/v1/version

# Open browser and local xds-server web-application
xdg-open http://localhost:8000

Then follow instructions provided on this page to install and start xds-agent that must run locally on your machine.

See also xds-agent documentation for more details.

SDK cross-toolchain Management

Setup to add support of a new SDK family

Optional step: read this chapter only if you plan to add a new SDK family.

xds-server dynamically detects supported SDKs by scanning sub-directories of sdkScriptsDir directory (see Configuration chapter).

Each sub-directory (usually name is the same as the SDK family) of sdkScriptsDir must contain a set of scripts that will be called by xds-server to managed SDKs of a specific family.

These scripts are:

  • add: used to add/install a new SDK
  • db-dump: returned the list of available and installed SDKs (JSON format)
  • db-update: update SDKs database
  • get-family-config: returned SDK family configuration structure (JSON format)
  • get-sdk-info: extract SDK info (JSON format) from a SDK file/tarball
  • remove: used to remove an existing SDK

For example, here 2 SDKs family (agl and zephyr) are defined:

# > tree ./sdks/
├── agl
│   ├── add
│   ├── db-dump
│   ├── db-update
│   ├── get-family-config
│   ├── get-sdk-info
│   └── remove
└── zephyr
    ├── add
│   ├── db-dump
│   ├── db-update
│   ├── get-family-config
│   ├── get-sdk-info
    └── remove

On startup xds-server will call in order:

  • sdks/*/get-family-config to get configuration of each SDK family.
  • sdks/*/db-update to update database (only when SdkDbUpdate is set to ̀startup, see Configuration chapter for more details)
  • sdks/*/db-dump scripts to get the initial list of available and installed SDKs.

Please refer to sdks/ for more information about scripts definition and to understand how to add support of a new SDK family.

Install a new SDK

Please refer to Installing AGL SDKs chapter.

Un-install a SDK from command line

Used sdks command of xds-cli tool to managed SDKs.

# List installed SDKs
xds-cli sdks ls
List of installed SDKs:
  ID            NAME                                                            STATUS          VERSION         ARCH
  c39e5998      poky-agl_aarch64_4.0.1                                          Installed       4.0.1           aarch64
  d610bfbf      poky-agl-aarch64.current_on_iotbzh_download-3.99.1+snapshot     Installed       3.99.1+snapshot aarch64.current_on_iotbzh_download
  a0ae663d      poky-agl-corei7-64-3.99.1+snapshot                              Installed       3.99.1+snapshot corei7-64
  87f0400b      AGL-release-dab-3.99.3-m3ulcb-nogfx                             Installed       3.99.3          aarch64
  352c0584      poky-agl-corei7-64-3.99.2+snapshot                              Installed       3.99.2+snapshot corei7-64
  d65fe750      AGL-release-eel-latest-qemux86-64                               Installed       4.99.5          corei7-64

# Un-install a SDK
xds-cli sdks uninstall d65fe750
SDK ID d65fe750-d3a7-38f5-83d8-3d3806054f8d successfully deleted.

Un-install a SDK from XDS Dashboard

Open XDS-Dashboard in web-browser and select SDKs entry in left side menu.

If needed, switch to BASIC SDKS VIEW view and click on trash icon located in the top-right corner of SDK card.