Desktop packages for binder development

Packages of the binder (afb-daemon)exist for common desktop linux distributions.

  • Fedora
  • Ubuntu
  • Debian
  • Suse

Installing the development package of the binder allows to write bindings that runs on the desktop computer of the developer.

It is very convenient to quickly write and debug a binding.

Retrieving compiling option with pkg-config

The binder afb-daemon provides a configuration file for pkg-config.
Typing the command

pkg-config --cflags afb-daemon

Print flags use for compilation:

$ pkg-config --cflags afb-daemon
-I/opt/local/include -I/usr/include/json-c

For linking, you should use

$ pkg-config --libs afb-daemon

It automatically includes the dependency to json-c.
This is activated through Requires keyword in pkg-config.