

projects (short prj) command should be used to managed XDS projects.

This command supports following sub-commands:

add, a      Add a new project
get         Get a property of a project
list, ls    List existing projects
remove, rm  Remove an existing project
sync        Force synchronization of project sources

Here are some usage examples:

# Create/declare a new project
xds-cli prj add --label "myProjectName" --type pm -p /home/seb/xds-workspace/myProject -sp /home/devel/xds-workspace/myProject

# List projects
xds-cli prj ls

# Delete an existing project
xds-cli prj rm 8e49


sdks (alias sdk) command should be used to managed cross SDKs.

This command supports following sub-commands:

get            Get a property of a SDK
list, ls       List installed SDKs
install, i     Install a SDK
uninstall, rm  UnInstall an existing SDK
abort, a       Abort an install action

Here are some usage examples:

# List existing SDKs
xds-cli sdks ls

# Get SDK info
xds-cli sdks get c64d


Refer to the "AGL SDKs" topic for details about SDK installation.


exec command should be used to exec command through XDS system.

For example you can use this command to build your project in XDS system.

This command supports following sub-commands:

exec command options are:

--id option or XDS_PROJECT_ID env variable (mandatory option)

project ID you want to build

--rpath (short -p) or XDS_RPATH env variable

relative path into project

--sdkid (alias --sdk) or XDS_SDK_ID env variable (mandatory option)

Cross Sdk ID to use to build project.

Here are some usage examples:

mkdir build

# Generate build system using cmake
xds-cli exec --id=4021 --sdkid=c226 -- "cd build && cmake .."

# Build the project
xds-cli exec --id=4021 --sdkid=c226 -- "cd build && make all"

In case of xds-agent is not running on default url:port (that is localhost:8800)

You can specify the url using --url option :

xds-cli --url=http://localhost:8800 exec --id=4021 --sdkid=c226 -- "cd build && make all"


misc command allows to execute miscellaneous sub-commands such as:

version, v   Get version of XDS agent and XDS server
status, sts  Get XDS configuration status (including XDS server connection)

Here are some usage examples:

xds-cli misc version --verbose

xds-cli misc sts