Build Using the Command Line

One option for building your application using XDS is to use the command line (i.e. xds-cli). Building the application consists of declaring your project, identifying some key ID values, and then using the command line to build it.


XDS tools, including xds-cli, are installed by default in the /opt/AGL/bin directory. During installation, this directory is automatically added to your PATH variable. If, for some reason, the tool is not in your PATH directory, you can manually add it using the export PATH=${PATH}:/opt/AGL/bin command.

Declare Project

Use the projects add command to declare your project:

xds-cli prj add --label="Project_helloworld-native-application" --type=pm --path=/home/seb/xds-workspace/helloworld-native-application --server-path=/home/devel/xds-workspace/helloworld-native-application

When you declare the project, XDS creates the xds-project.conf configuration file if one does not already exist. You should examine this configuration file before you build the project to be sure all configurations are correct for your project.


If the Server Part (i.e. xds-agent) is not running on the default port, you can use the --url=http://localhost:<port> option with the xds-cli prj add command to specify the port. Just substitute the actual port for <port> with the option.

Determine the ID of Your Project

After declaring your project, you need to determine the unique ID of your project.

From the command line, use the prj ls command, which is an abbreviation for the projects list command:

xds-cli prj ls
ID                                       Label                                   LocalPath
f9904f70-d441-11e7-8c59-3c970e49ad9b     Project_helloworld-service              /home/seb/xds-workspace/helloworld-service
4021617e-ced0-11e7-acd2-3c970e49ad9b     Project_helloworld-native-application   /home/seb/xds-workspace/helloworld-native-application

Once you have the ID of the project, you can use the --id option or the XDS_PROJECT_ID environment variable to refer to your project.


When using the project ID from the command line, you can use the "short" notation by providing a non-ambiguous portion of the ID. For example, to refer to the Project_helloworld-native-application project shown in the previous example, you can use -id 40 rather than --id 40 instead of --id 4021617e-ced0-11e7-acd2-3c970e49ad9b.

Determine the ID of Your SDK

You also need to determine the ID of the SDK you want to use to cross-build your application.

To list installed SDKs, use the following command:

xds-cli sdks ls
List of installed SDKs:
  ID                                    NAME
  7aa19224-b769-3463-98b1-4c029d721766  aarch64  (3.99.1+snapshot)
  41a1efc4-8443-3fb0-afe5-8313e0c96efd  corei7-64  (3.99.2+snapshot)
  c226821b-b5c0-386d-94fe-19f807946d03  aarch64  (3.99.3)

SDK IDs are returned by architecture and version. Be sure to identify the SDK you need.

Build the Application

You can now use XDS to cross-build your project. Following is an example that builds a project that is based on CMake:

# First, export the target IP address, or it's DNS name
export TARGET_ADDRESS=<target_adress>

# Go into your project directory and create a build directory
mkdir build

Before using the command line to build the project, you should be sure the project's configuration file is correct. Examine the xds-project.conf configuration file and edit it as needed.

Generate the build system using CMake:

# You must set RSYNC_* variables so that you deploy and populate widgets on the target
xds-cli exec --id=4021617e --sdkid=c226821b -- "export RSYNC_TARGET=root@${TARGET_ADDRESS} ; export RSYNC_PREFIX=/opt ; cd build && cmake .."

Now you can build the project:

xds-cli exec --id=4021617e --sdkid=c226821b -- "cd build && make widget"


If you use &&, || or ; statements in the executed command line, you need to double quote the command (e.g. "cd build && make").

To avoid having to set the project ID, SDK ID, and URL for each command line, you can define these settings as environment variables using an environment file. Use the --config option or source file before executing the xds-cli command.

To specify your configuration file with the command line, use the --config option. For example, the equivalent of the previous build command but with a specified configuration file is as follows:

# MY_PROJECT_DIR=/home/seb/xds-workspace/helloworld-native-application

# Edit and potentially adapt xds-project.conf file that has been created
# automatically on project declaration using XDS Dashboard
cat xds-project.conf
  # XDS project settings
  export XDS_AGENT_URL=localhost:8800
  export XDS_PROJECT_ID=4021617e-ced0-11e7-acd2-3c970e49ad9b
  export XDS_SDK_ID=c226821b-b5c0-386d-94fe-19f807946d03

# Create build directory and invoke cmake and then build project
xds-cli exec --config=./xds-project.conf -- "mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .."
cd build && xds-cli exec --config=../xds-project.conf -- "make all"

Alternatively, you could first source the configuration file to avoid using the --config option as follows:

source xds-project.conf
xds-cli exec "mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .."
cd build && xds-cli exec "make all"


All parameters after a double dash (--) are considered as the command to execute.