


Get the list of available audio roles. By default it returns the list of roles that are bound to a stream. To get a list of all defined roles, regardless if they are bound to a stream or not, you can pass the following parameter.

    "verbose": true


Replace [role] by the role's name. For example ahl-4a/multimedia.

This verb allows the control of the audio role. The action executed depends on the parameter.


{ "action": "open" }

Request to open the role.

On success it returns the device URI to open. This action fails if the role is already opened.

When a role is opened, it triggers the first interruption, if any, of the policy engine.

The policy engine executes the interruption for each opened audio role with a lower priority.


{ "action": "close" }

Request to close the role.

On success it closes the role. You can only close roles that you opened before. An error will occur if you try to close a role that an other application has opened.


    "action": "volume",
    "value": 80

Request to get or set the volume.

Value can be absolute or relative. Use a string as value to use relative, like "+10" or "-20". To get the volume you can use "+0" as value.


    "action": "mute"

Mute the volume of this.


    "action": "unmute"

Unmute the volume of this role.


    "action": "interrupt"

Ask the policy engine to execute an interruption.